I'm miss my dog... Went to fetch her to ARC (Animal Recovery Centre) A & E becuz she start to breath very very very very fast and is like having a asthma. After all the check up, blood test, and everything.. doctor found out that she had a kidney failure. I was soooo freaking shock. You noe wad, i have been bringing her to Animal clinic and she is not that critical... after that, her situation is getting worst, she wants to eat, but she can't cuz she keeps on vomiting when ever she eats. And I just feel sooo sad for her and bringing her again to animal recovery which i think is much more better.. after bringing her, doing the tests all those, she is still alright. After 2 days, which is today, when i just came back, her breathing is like super jiat lat. I was soooo scared that I woke my parent up and asking weather can we bring her to the ARC again.

So after bringing her, the result is.. kidney problem. And had to put her on drip for at least 2 to 3 days. Oh my Goodness.. Anyway.... thank God that she is a brave girl. I noe she still can bear with it all the injections all those by looking at her... Although her age is quite old, but i noe, she is a brave girl...

Dear God,

I pray that you will bless her with fast recovery and good health as she is also one of Your precious creation. I pray that You will give her strength to bear all the pains that she had right now. And i noe, You are always with her too. God, i thank You for giving such a braveness strength to her as she is able to bear all the pains.  God, please hear my prayer. In name of Jesus, Amen..





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